From West to East: Your Guide to Becoming a Teacher in Japan

Whether you’re interested in language instruction or international school teaching, the journey to becoming a teacher in Japan can be both exciting and rewarding.

Legal Requirements for Teachers: A Comprehensive Overview

These vary by jurisdiction but generally encompass areas such as certification, student safety, confidentiality, and non-discrimination.

Ethical Obligations: Guiding Principles for Teachers

Teachers should treat each student with dignity and respect, valuing their unique interests, abilities, and potential.

Societal Expectations of Teachers: A Cross-Country Comparison

In the United States, teachers are expected to wear many hats. They are seen not only as instructors but also as mentors, disciplinarians, and even surrogate parents.

Administrative Duties: A Guide for Teachers and School Leaders

While administrative duties are necessary, they don’t have to be overwhelming. Here are some tips for reducing the administrative load:

7 Simple Strategies for Strong Student-Teacher Relationships

Getting to know your students on a personal level is the first step towards building strong relationships. Show genuine interest in their lives outside the classroom.

A group of people in a conference room discussing factors influencing beginning teachers' perceived success and strategies for nurturing their success.

Nurturing Success: Factors Influencing Beginning Teachers’ Perceived Success

Understanding the factors that shape their perception of success is crucial for teacher retention and overall teaching satisfaction.

Students in an auditorium watching a presentation.

The Role of Universities in Initial Teacher Training: A Call for a Dual-Phase Approach

This article proposes a renewed perspective on teacher education, emphasizing the need for a dual-phase initial teacher training approach involving both schools and universities.

Students observing a teacher in a classroom.

Connecting Learning to Real-World Contexts: Strategies for Teachers

When students see the relevance of their classroom lessons to their everyday lives, they are more likely to be motivated, engaged, and retain information.

A young girl is using a tablet computer for school.

Encouraging Active Involvement in Learning: Strategies for Teachers

Active learning benefits students by improving retention of information, enhancing critical thinking skills, and encouraging a deeper understanding of the subject matter.