A group of students sitting around a table in a school.

Cultivating a Growth Mindset: The Key to Lifelong Learning

Embracing a growth mindset can lead to increased motivation, resilience, and achievement. But what does a growth mindset look like in students, and how can educators cultivate this mindset in the classroom?

A teacher is giving a presentation to a group of students.

Fostering Self-Directed Learning: A Guide for Teachers

Self directed learning encourages students to take ownership of their learning process, fostering a sense of independence and responsibility.

A woman, who is a teacher, is using a computer to make a video call with her students from school.

Understanding Employment Modes and Employee Management in the Victorian Teaching Service

This article will outline key aspects of these employment modes and management strategies to provide clarity for current and prospective VTS employees.

A group of students working at a table in a school.

Understanding Time-in-Lieu Policies for Teachers and Education Support Staff

Time-in-lieu is an important concept in the education sector, ensuring that teachers and education support staff are adequately compensated for time they spend on school activities outside their regular hours.

Two business people talking at a table with laptops, discussing the performance and development process in education.

Unraveling the Performance and Development Process in Education: A Detailed Overview

This article breaks down the nuances of the performance and development process, its connection to salary progression, and additional critical factors.

A man and a boy, both engaged in understanding the Education Support Class and Salary Structures in Victorian Government Schools, are diligently working on a laptop in a classroom.

Understanding the Education Support Class and Salary Structures in Victorian Government Schools

One of the key roles in Education is the Education Support Class. This article provides a detailed overview of this role’s structure and salary ranges, as outlined in the Victorian Government Schools Agreement 2022.

A smiling black teacher standing in front of a bookshelf.

Salary for Victorian Public School Principals

Unless otherwise specified by the employer, a principal class employee’s initial salary will correspond to the minimum salary outlined in Schedule 1 for the advertised salary range.

A woman understanding part-time employment policies for teachers shakes hands with a man in an office.

Part-Time Employment Policies for Teachers in NSW

This article aims to explain the specifics of part-time employment for teachers in New South Wales, providing clarity on how work schedules, responsibilities, and benefits are managed.

Smart goals for student success in school

Creating SMART Goals for Professional Learning Communities

But like any initiative, the key to success lies in setting clear, achievable goals. In this article, we’ll explore how to create SMART goals for your PLC and provide some examples.

Navigating Class Sizes: Guidelines for Victorian Principals and Teachers

This article provides guidelines on how to approach class size planning in Victorian schools, with a focus on safety and the optimization of learning outcomes.