Three young professionals standing and talking while drinking coffee

3 Skills that Principals look for in a Relief Teacher.

Relief teaching can be tricky. It has wonderful moments (like going home and not needing to mark workbooks all night), but sometimes you want something more.

A teacher is sitting at their desk sifting through a pile of student reports.

School Reports Have Changed – And it Will Have Consequences.

They often need to be done more frequently and they are becoming more structured; there are more and more rules about what teachers can and cannot say.

A homeschool student and her mom are working together closely while writing in a notebook and watching a lesson on a laptop.

10 Ways to Support Your Child Through Home Schooling

Homeschooling your child is a learning experience for you as well as them. Here are 10 ways to make your life homeschooling as easy and successful as possible.

Teacher smiling as she does an art and craft activity with a group of young students.

Why teacher well-being is the most important factor in student success.

Teachers know that you can’t do your best work when you are not looked after. Too many teachers can’t balance the demands of their job with their well-being.

Two heads in profile are facing the same direction. The head that is behind the other has a speech bubble above it that says "closer and quieter".

Closer and Quieter – How To Manage Attention-Seeking Behaviour.

The students who like to get on your nerves, who seem to thrive on getting a rise out of you. How do you manage these students?

A yellow box has the words "The Power of Praise" in it, as well as a bunny lifting weights over it's head.

The Power of Praise: How to Properly Praise your Students.

Praise has enormous power to reinforce a mindset. Whether a student receives praise will impact how they think about themselves and their place in the world.

A relief teacher is standing in front of her young primary school students. There are shelves in the background with an assortment of learning materials. She holds an open book to show the students and holds the other hand up in the air. All her students are sitting in their chairs and holding their hands up.

The Best Strategy for Relief Teachers who Struggle with Names.

With the number of names that you need to remember (and how little time you have to learn them), you need a solid strategy in place to help you.

A teacher is sitting at a large table with her students. They are doing a craft activity, and there are coloured pencils, chalk and scissors all over the table. One of her students is handing her their work to look at. The teacher is smiling at them.

6 High-Impact Teaching Strategies that take 30 Seconds or Less.

These strategies will take 30 seconds either in your lesson or after. They may just be the best 30 seconds you can spend to support your students.

A group of young students are sitting on the carpet while their teacher reads them a book.

1.5 Differentiate teaching to meet the specific learning needs of students across the full range of abilities.

While many interpret this as differentiating learning for those who are working below their year level or who have learning difficulties, this is not the case.

A South Australian high school teacher stands in her classroom, leaning on a desk. She holds a book in one hand and is writing in it in the other. She is looking behind the camera at one of her students. Her desk and blackboard are in the background.

What is the Pay Rate for SA Teachers?

If you are a classroom teacher in South Australia, you will be paid between $60,198 and $124,393. The exact salaries are in the table below: