A young relief teacher is sitting on the floor surrounded by pieces of paper with a calculator trying to calculate their income tax.

How much tax should relief teachers pay?

Schools withhold income tax like any other employer. As a relief teacher, you will be paying tax according to the Australian Resident Tax Rates.

A teacher is sitting at a desk facing the camera. She is smiling and writing in a lined notebook. Three of her students are sitting in a row at a desk in the background. They are all working on laptops.

How to Increase Your Salary as a Teacher.

Most schools will increase your salary yearly for 5 to 9 years. What can you do once you’ve hit the highest pay grade in your Enterprise Agreement?

School leader shaking hands with a young female teacher to congratulate her for winning a teaching contract

The #1 Trick to Winning Your First Teaching Contract.

So, you’ve been a relief teacher for a little while, and you’ve decided that you want your first teaching contract.

A room of young pre-service teachers sitting their LANTITE before they are able to graduate.

What is the LANTITE and how do I do it?

The Literacy and Numeracy Test for Initial Teacher Education Students is a literacy and numeracy test that every teacher must complete before graduation. 

Three young professionals standing and talking while drinking coffee

3 Skills that Principals look for in a Relief Teacher.

Relief teaching can be tricky. It has wonderful moments (like going home and not needing to mark workbooks all night), but sometimes you want something more.

A South Australian high school teacher stands in her classroom, leaning on a desk. She holds a book in one hand and is writing in it in the other. She is looking behind the camera at one of her students. Her desk and blackboard are in the background.

What is the Pay Rate for SA Teachers?

If you are a classroom teacher in South Australia, you will be paid between $60,198 and $124,393. The exact salaries are in the table below:

A Tasmanian relief teacher is sitting on his couch looking at his phone. He is smiling and punching the air with his fist because he has just been paid.

Casual relief teacher pay rates in Tasmania.

If you are a relief teacher in a public Tasmanian school, you will earn between $35.55 and $58.66 per hour depending on your level of training and experience.

A teacher is sitting at a desk with a laptop in front of him.

What is the Relief Teacher Pay in NSW?

Casual relief teachers working in NSW public schools will be paid between $381.41 and $460.01 per day from the beginning of 2022, depending on your tier.

Two people exchanging money in a classroom setting.

How much do ACT relief teachers get paid?

As a relief teacher in ACT public schools, you will earn between $285 and $446 per day depending on how much teaching experience you have.

Teacher stressed with her head in her hands because she struggles with work-life balance.

What do I do if I can’t pass the LANTITE?

You’ve tried your hardest, and it wasn’t enough. You still failed your third attempt at the LANTITE. ACER won’t help, so what do you do now?