Feedback and Student Self-Assessment: 6 Strategies for Teachers

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Feedback and self-assessment are pivotal in the learning process. They can help students understand their learning progress, identify areas of improvement, and take responsibility for their learning. In this article, we’ll explore strategies teachers can use to facilitate feedback and self-assessment in their classrooms.

Understanding Feedback and Self-Assessment

Feedback is information about a student’s performance, provided to guide and improve future performance. Self-assessment, on the other hand, is a process where students evaluate their own work to understand their learning progress.

When used effectively, these tools can enhance learning, improve student performance, and foster a sense of ownership and self-direction in learning.

Benefits of Facilitating Feedback and Self-Assessment

Facilitating feedback and self-assessment has several benefits:

  • Improves Learning: Feedback and self-assessment can help students identify gaps in their understanding and focus on areas that need improvement.
  • Enhances Self-Regulation: These practices can enhance self-regulation, empowering students to manage their own learning.
  • Boosts Confidence: When students are able to evaluate their progress and see improvements, it can boost their confidence and motivation.
  • Encourages Responsibility: By engaging in self-assessment, students can take more responsibility for their learning.

Strategies for Facilitating Feedback and Self-Assessment

1. Provide Clear Criteria

Provide clear criteria for assignments and assessments. This will help students know what is expected of them and provide a benchmark for self-assessment.

2. Offer Constructive Feedback

Ensure your feedback is constructive, specific, and timely. Highlight both the strengths and areas of improvement, and offer suggestions on how to improve.

3. Teach Self-Assessment Skills

Explicitly teach students how to self-assess. This might involve demonstrating how to use rubrics, giving examples of self-assessment, and providing guided practice.

4. Encourage Reflection

Promote reflection as part of self-assessment. Encourage students to think about what they did well, what they struggled with, and what they could do differently next time.

5. Use Peer Feedback

Incorporate peer feedback into your classroom. This can provide students with additional perspectives and help them learn to give and receive feedback constructively.

6. Foster a Growth Mindset

Foster a growth mindset by emphasizing that mistakes are a part of learning and improvement is possible with effort and practice.


Facilitating feedback and self-assessment is a powerful way to enhance learning, improve student performance, and foster self-direction in learning. By adopting the strategies outlined above, teachers can create an environment that promotes continuous learning and improvement, and empowers students to take charge of their learning journey.

Elise is an enthusiastic and passionate Australian teacher who is on a mission to inspire and support fellow educators. With over a decade of experience in the classroom, Elise leverages her expertise and creativity to provide valuable insights and resources through her blog. Whether you're looking for innovative lesson ideas, effective teaching strategies, or just a dose of inspiration, Elise has got you covered.

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