Running Records: A Guide for Teachers

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As a teacher, you want to ensure that your students are making progress in their reading skills. One effective way to do this is by using Running Records, a diagnostic assessment tool that provides valuable information on a student’s reading level and areas for improvement.

What is a Running Record?

A Running Record is a type of informal reading assessment that measures a student’s reading accuracy, fluency, and comprehension. It involves having a student read aloud a selected passage while the teacher takes notes on the student’s performance, marking any errors, self-corrections, and hesitations. The notes are then used to analyze the student’s reading level and identify areas for improvement.

Why is a Running Record used?

Running Records are used to determine a student’s reading level, which helps teachers select appropriate texts for instruction and monitor progress. They also provide information on a student’s reading strengths and weaknesses, allowing teachers to tailor instruction to the student’s individual needs. Running Records are a valuable tool for assessing reading skills in students of all ages and abilities.

How do you administer a Running Record?

To administer a Running Record, you will need a leveled reading passage, a recording sheet, and a pencil. The student should be seated in a quiet, distraction-free environment, and instructed to read the passage aloud. As the student reads, mark any errors, self-corrections, and hesitations on the recording sheet.

After the student has finished reading, calculate the accuracy rate (number of words read correctly divided by total number of words in the passage, multiplied by 100) and the comprehension score (based on a set of predetermined questions or prompts). Use this information to determine the student’s reading level and areas for improvement.

What information do you get from a Running Record?

Running Records provide valuable information on a student’s reading level and areas for improvement. The accuracy rate indicates the student’s ability to decode words and read fluently, while the comprehension score measures the student’s understanding of the text. The notes taken during the assessment can also provide insight into the student’s reading strategies, such as self-correction and use of context clues.

How can you use this information to help your students?

The information gathered from a Running Record can be used to tailor instruction to the student’s individual needs. If a student is struggling with decoding, for example, the teacher can provide instruction on phonics and word recognition. If a student is having difficulty with comprehension, the teacher can focus on teaching reading strategies such as making connections and visualizing.

Running Records can also be used to monitor progress over time. By administering Running Records at regular intervals, teachers can track a student’s progress and adjust instruction as needed. This allows for targeted intervention and support, helping students to improve their reading skills and achieve their full potential.

In conclusion, Running Records are a valuable tool for assessing reading skills and providing targeted instruction to students. By administering and analyzing Running Records, teachers can determine a student’s reading level, identify areas for improvement, and tailor instruction to meet the student’s individual needs. Running Records are an effective way to monitor progress and ensure that students are making progress in their reading skills.

Elise is an enthusiastic and passionate Australian teacher who is on a mission to inspire and support fellow educators. With over a decade of experience in the classroom, Elise leverages her expertise and creativity to provide valuable insights and resources through her blog. Whether you're looking for innovative lesson ideas, effective teaching strategies, or just a dose of inspiration, Elise has got you covered.

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