Understanding Employee Allowances in Victorian Government Schools

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Victorian Government Schools have a comprehensive Agreement in place that outlines the various provisions for employee allowances. This article will delve into some of the key allowances available to employees, including special schools allowance, leave purchase allowance, remote allowance, higher duties allowances, and position allowance. By understanding these provisions, school employees can better navigate their benefits and entitlements.

Special Schools Allowance

Assistant principals, teachers, and education support class employees in special schools are eligible for a special schools allowance of $727 per annum. This allowance provides additional compensation for the unique challenges and responsibilities that come with working in special education settings.

Leave Purchase Allowance

Education support class employees who attend for duty under specific conditions are entitled to a leave purchase allowance. This allowance equals 72.47% of the employee’s hourly rate of pay for each hour that the employee attends for duty during the additional paid leave accrued. The maximum amount of leave that may be purchased in any year is 228 hours.

Remote Allowance

Employees working in schools determined by the Employer to be remote are entitled to a remote allowance. The allowance amount varies depending on whether the employee has dependants, with different rates for Remote A and Remote B allowances.

Higher Duties Allowances

Employees performing at least half of the duties of a higher position for more than five consecutive working days are eligible for a higher duties allowance. Several conditions apply, including the requirement that at least one half of the duties of the assigned position be performed. The allowance amount is proportionate to the extent of the higher duties carried out. Additional provisions apply to employees performing duties in the principal class or the teacher class and those absent on personal leave with pay.

Position Allowance

Certain employees are entitled to a position allowance, paid in December each year. The allowance is equivalent to one per cent of the total salary to which the employee is normally entitled as at 1 December of the year in which the allowance is paid. Eligibility for this allowance extends to assistant principal employees, teachers, and certain levels of education support class employees.

These allowances highlight the commitment of Victorian Government Schools to provide fair compensation and support to their employees. By understanding these provisions, employees can better appreciate the benefits available to them and make informed decisions about their career in education.

Remember to consult the Victorian Government Schools Agreement 2022 for a comprehensive understanding of all the allowances and conditions available to you. Stay informed and make the most of your career in education!

Elise is an enthusiastic and passionate Australian teacher who is on a mission to inspire and support fellow educators. With over a decade of experience in the classroom, Elise leverages her expertise and creativity to provide valuable insights and resources through her blog. Whether you're looking for innovative lesson ideas, effective teaching strategies, or just a dose of inspiration, Elise has got you covered.

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