4.5 Use ICT safely, responsibly and ethically

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What does this descriptor look like at different levels?

Use ICT safely, responsibly and ethically is the fifth descriptor of the fourth standard of the Australian Professional Standards for Teachers.

See more: Australian Professional Standards for Teachers Terminology Explained


What does it look like?

At the Graduate level, teachers are expected to develop foundational skills in using ICT (Information and Communication Technology) safely, responsibly, and ethically, fostering a positive digital learning environment.

As a Graduate teacher, you understand the importance of integrating technology into your teaching while ensuring the safety and ethical use of ICT by your students. Your focus should be on creating a positive digital learning environment that promotes responsible and ethical use of technology among students.

What evidence can I collect?

To provide evidence for this descriptor, you can showcase:

  1. Technology integration examples: Demonstrate how you have integrated ICT into your lessons to enhance learning experiences for your students.
  2. Digital citizenship activities: Implement activities or discussions that educate students about responsible and ethical use of technology.
  3. Classroom guidelines: Develop and communicate clear guidelines for the safe and responsible use of ICT in your classroom.

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What does it look like?

At the Proficient level, teachers are expected to effectively use a range of ICT tools and platforms to enhance learning experiences, while actively promoting digital citizenship among students.

As a Proficient teacher, you have a diverse skill set in using various ICT tools and platforms to create engaging and interactive learning experiences for your students. Additionally, you actively promote digital citizenship, helping students understand the implications of their online actions and interactions.

What evidence can I collect?

To demonstrate proficiency in using ICT safely, responsibly, and ethically, you can present evidence such as:

  1. Technology-rich lesson plans: Showcase how you incorporate a variety of ICT tools and platforms in your lesson plans to support student learning.
  2. Digital citizenship projects: Present examples of projects or activities where students actively engaged in discussions about responsible and ethical use of technology.
  3. Student work samples: Provide evidence of student work that reflects their understanding of digital citizenship and their responsible use of technology.

See more: Student Work as Evidence – How Teachers can Delve Deeper.

Highly Accomplished

What does it look like?

At the Highly Accomplished level, teachers are expected to lead initiatives that promote a whole-school approach to using ICT safely, responsibly, and ethically, collaborating with colleagues and stakeholders to embed digital citizenship practices.

As a Highly Accomplished teacher, you go beyond your classroom to lead efforts in promoting a whole-school culture of using ICT responsibly and ethically. You collaborate with colleagues, parents/carers, and community stakeholders to develop and implement comprehensive digital citizenship programs.

What evidence can I collect?

To showcase your highly accomplished level of using ICT safely, responsibly, and ethically, consider the following evidence:

  1. Whole-school initiatives: Provide documentation of your involvement in developing and implementing whole-school digital citizenship programs or initiatives.
  2. Collaborative projects: Showcase initiatives or projects where you worked with colleagues and stakeholders to embed responsible ICT use throughout the school.
  3. Student impact assessment: Gather data on the positive impact of digital citizenship practices on students’ online behavior, digital literacy, and overall well-being.

See more: Is it Worth Becoming a Highly Accomplished Teacher?


What does it look like?

At the Lead level, teachers are expected to drive systemic approaches to using ICT safely, responsibly, and ethically, collaborating with school leaders to ensure comprehensive implementation and evaluation.

As a Lead Teacher, your focus is on systemic change and creating a cohesive approach to using ICT responsibly and ethically that involves all stakeholders. You collaborate with school leaders, colleagues, parents/carers, and community organizations to develop and evaluate the school’s digital citizenship framework.

What evidence can I collect?

To demonstrate your leadership in using ICT safely, responsibly, and ethically, gather the following evidence:

  1. School-wide digital citizenship policy: Provide documentation of your contributions to the development and implementation of a school-wide digital citizenship policy or framework.
  2. Collaborative partnerships: Showcase instances where you collaborated with school leaders, parents/carers, community organizations, or external agencies to ensure comprehensive implementation of digital citizenship practices.
  3. Impact assessment: Present evidence of how your efforts have positively influenced students’ responsible use of technology, digital well-being, and online safety across the school.
Elise is an enthusiastic and passionate Australian teacher who is on a mission to inspire and support fellow educators. With over a decade of experience in the classroom, Elise leverages her expertise and creativity to provide valuable insights and resources through her blog. Whether you're looking for innovative lesson ideas, effective teaching strategies, or just a dose of inspiration, Elise has got you covered.

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