The teacher assesses student learning.

5.1 Assess student learning

Effective assessment drives student progress. Understand the art of evaluating student learning to inform and improve teaching practices.

As a student, it is important to use technology safely, responsibly, and ethically. Similarly, as a teacher it is crucial to guide and educate students on the safe and ethical use of

4.5 Use ICT safely, responsibly and ethically

Embrace technology responsibly for enhanced learning. Learn how to utilize ICT ethically and safely in the educational setting.

The logo for ensuring student and teacher safety.

4.4 Maintain student safety

Prioritize student safety at all times. Discover how to create a secure learning environment that fosters confidence and growth.

A group of people talking in a classroom.

Australian Teacher Standards – Professional Engagement

Engaging with the community is a key way for teachers to learn and build relationships that benefit their practice.

A group of students receiving instruction from a teacher in a classroom.

Australian Teacher Standards – Professional Practice

The Australian Professional Standards for Teachers contains three domains. These are broad descriptions of what teachers do all across Australia.  The second of these domains is Professional…

A teacher is instructing a class of children in a classroom.

Australian Teacher Standards – Professional Knowledge

The Professional Knowledge domain of the APST describes all of the things that teachers need to know and learn to be able to do their job. 

A middle-aged woman teaching in a classroom.

Australian Professional Standards for Teachers – Domains.

There are three domains in the Australian Professional Standards for Teachers, and they are the broadest categories to describe what the standards are about. 

A teacher is standing in front of a whiteboard.

Australian Professional Standards for Teachers Terminology explained

There are a lot of terms associated with the Australian Teacher Standards. Understanding these terms is the first step to understanding the APST themselves.

A group of people working together in an office.

What Does it Mean to be a Lead Teacher?

The APST outline four career stages, of which Lead Teacher is the highest. Lead Teachers are expected to have a significant role in school improvement.