A Tasmanian relief teacher is sitting on his couch looking at his phone. He is smiling and punching the air with his fist because he has just been paid.

Casual relief teacher pay rates in Tasmania.

If you are a relief teacher in a public Tasmanian school, you will earn between $35.55 and $58.66 per hour depending on your level of training and experience.

A teacher is sitting at a desk with a laptop in front of him.

What is the Relief Teacher Pay in NSW?

Casual relief teachers working in NSW public schools will be paid between $381.41 and $460.01 per day from the beginning of 2022, depending on your tier.

Two people exchanging money in a classroom setting.

How much do ACT relief teachers get paid?

As a relief teacher in ACT public schools, you will earn between $285 and $446 per day depending on how much teaching experience you have.

A woman is stacking coins on top of a classroom table.

What is the Casual Relief Teacher Pay Rate in the NT?

If you are a relief teacher working in public schools in the Northern Territory, you can expect to earn between $61.55 and $67.71 per hour. Your exact pay rate

A teacher is instructing a classroom of children.

Teachers Ignore Educational Research – What Can We Do About It?

Universities put effort into quality, evidence-based programs, but it gets thrown out the window as soon as their students graduate and enter the classroom. 

Two Gen Z students are sitting on the lawn at their college campus working on an assignment together.

Work Ethic of Gen Z Students – Are They Different from Other Generations?

When talking about Gen Z, work ethic comes up again and again. Many older people believe ithat Gen Z has a poor ethic or, at least, poorer than theirs. 

A teacher is holding stacks of coins to compare the pay between male and female teachers.

What is the Relief Teacher Pay Rate in VIC?

If you are a relief teacher in Melbourne or Victoria and are working for the Department of Education, you will get paid at an hourly rate.

A relief teacher is sitting at a laptop at the end of the day looking over her notes for the classroom teacher to make sure that she has included everything that they need to know.

Essential things relief teachers MUST include in their notes.

The teacher has entrusted you with their class, and it’s essential that you tell how the day went so that they are prepared for when they are back in action. 

A man leaning over his laptop.

Why Students Plagiarise – It isn’t Always about Cheating.

Plagiarism is a real problem. There are a couple of reasons why students plagiarise, which need to be understood before so that they can be properly addressed.

Teacher stressed with her head in her hands because she struggles with work-life balance.

What do I do if I can’t pass the LANTITE?

You’ve tried your hardest, and it wasn’t enough. You still failed your third attempt at the LANTITE. ACER won’t help, so what do you do now?