What is the Casual Relief Teacher Pay Rate in the NT?

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Relief teacher pay rates for public NT schools.

If you are a relief teacher working in public schools in the Northern Territory, you can expect to earn between $61.55 and $67.71 per hour.

Your exact pay rate will depend on what tier you are on, as per the table below:

TierHourly rate

As a relief teacher in a Northern Territory public school, there are only three different pay tiers. This is different to classroom teachers, who have nine tiers to move up as they progress in their career. You will automatically move up one tier for every full year that you are teaching. For relief teachers, you may move up the pay tiers more slowly if you aren’t working in a school every day of the school year. 

Relief teacher pay rates for Catholic NT schools.

As a relief teacher in Catholic schools in the Northern Territory, you will earn between $61.54 and $67.71 per hour. CEONT also has a daily rate for casual relief teachers of between $360.26 and 396.38 depending on your pay tier which is equivalent to 6 hours at the hourly rate. 

A relief teacher is sitting and leaning on her desk to count out how much she has been paid.

The exact daily and hourly rates for each tier are in the table below:

TierDaily rateHourly rate
Values are rounded to the nearest cent. Source

While the hourly rate is slightly higher for Catholic schools in the Northern Territory when compared to public schools, this is only true if you are getting paid the hourly rate. If you work for a full day in a Catholic school and are working for more than 6 hours, you will be paid better by the NT Department for Education.

See more: How to Increase Your Salary as a Teacher.

The minimum length of time that a casual relief teacher can be asked to work for a Catholic school in NT is three hours. If you work for more than 3 hours but less than 6 hours, you will get paid at the hourly rate. If you work 6 hours or more, you will be paid at the daily rate.

Going up the tiers as an NT casual relief teacher is different to how this happens for classroom teachers:

1Less than 3 years
23-6 years
3More than 6 years

You can use experience teaching outside of the Catholic sector to go up these pay tiers, you will just need to supply a statement of service from the other schools that you have worked in.

Relief teacher pay rates for Independent NT schools.

Every Private school in the Northern Territory is able to choose their own pay rates for both classroom teachers and relief teachers. This means that the pay rate for casual relief teachers in Independent schools will depend on exactly which school you are working at.

A relief teacher is sitting at a desk covered with papers. He is using a calculator to check that he has been paid for the hours that he has worked.

If you are thinking of working as a casual relief teacher in an Independent school, you will need to call or email the school to ask what their pay rates are. You should not expect them to be higher than the pay rates in public or Catholic schools, as the pay rates in Independent schools can vary widely.

Will the pay for Northern Territory relief teachers increase?

For relief teachers in both Catholic and NT Department for Education schools, your pay will increase most years. Both sectors will have Enterprise Agreements that outline pay increases every year of a few percent. You may not get paid if a new Enterprise Agreement is being made. 

In addition to this, you will get a pay increase for each tier that you go up. This may not happen every year, though. If you are relief teaching in Independent schools, it will be up to the individual school if and how much your pay will increase each year.

How do the pay rates for relief teachers in the NT compare to elsewhere in Australia?

Click on the below links to find out how relief teachers are paid in other states and territories around Australia:








Elise is an enthusiastic and passionate Australian teacher who is on a mission to inspire and support fellow educators. With over a decade of experience in the classroom, Elise leverages her expertise and creativity to provide valuable insights and resources through her blog. Whether you're looking for innovative lesson ideas, effective teaching strategies, or just a dose of inspiration, Elise has got you covered.

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