War Service Sick Leave: A Guide for Victorian Teachers

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War service sick leave is a provision for employees with accepted war-caused disabilities. This entitlement is apart from the standard personal leave credits, providing additional support for those who served their countries. The following sections will explain the details, benefits, and the process of accessing war service sick leave.

Definition of Accepted War-Caused Disability

For the purposes of this provision, an “accepted war-caused disability” is one that is recognized by the Department of Veterans Affairs as being a direct result of participation in a war.

War Service Sick Leave Accrual

An employee who has an accepted war-caused disability is credited with an additional 114 hours (15 days for a full-time employee) of war service sick leave for each year of service, from and inclusive of 1 August 1962. This accrual can reach up to a maximum credit of 760 hours (100 days for a full-time employee).

Eligibility for War Service Sick Leave

The employer, having been satisfied that the illness of an employee with at least six months of service is directly related to, or is aggravated by, an accepted war-caused disability, may…

Unfortunately, your text was cut off before you could provide the full information about the eligibility conditions for war service sick leave. However, it appears that employees with at least six months of service who have illnesses directly related to or aggravated by an accepted war-caused disability may be eligible for this form of leave.


War service sick leave is a significant provision that recognizes the sacrifices of those who have served in the military. Understanding these rights can ensure that eligible employees receive the support they need. For further information and to discuss your specific circumstances, consider reaching out to your employer or union representative.

FAQ: Understanding War Service Sick Leave for Teachers

Q1: What is an accepted war-caused disability?

A: An “accepted war-caused disability” is one that is recognized by the Department of Veterans Affairs as being a direct result of participation in a war.

Q2: How much war service sick leave can I accrue?

A: An employee with an accepted war-caused disability is credited with an additional 114 hours (15 days for a full-time employee) of war service sick leave for each year of service, from and inclusive of 1 August 1962. This can reach up to a maximum credit of 760 hours (100 days for a full-time employee).

Q3: Who is eligible for war service sick leave?

A: Employees with at least six months of service who have illnesses directly related to or aggravated by an accepted war-caused disability may be eligible for war service sick leave.

Elise is an enthusiastic and passionate Australian teacher who is on a mission to inspire and support fellow educators. With over a decade of experience in the classroom, Elise leverages her expertise and creativity to provide valuable insights and resources through her blog. Whether you're looking for innovative lesson ideas, effective teaching strategies, or just a dose of inspiration, Elise has got you covered.

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